One of the things I’ve enjoyed since beginning to draw my little characters is seeing the reactions they get from people seeing them for the first time.
Many times people look through the bands I’ve created with a little chuckle at the depiction of their favourite lead singer as a cute and smiling drawing. I heard one girl, visiting a market I displayed at, say they were like “PG versions of bands”, probably a nod to the cute Iggy Pop or the smiling Gallagher brothers.
I’ve also enjoyed giving the A to Z of Music posters to friends and family as gifts for their new babies, which is what inspired me to send Elis James of Radio X a poster for his new baby. We listened (past tense only because they have since moved to BBC 5 Live) to Elis and John’s show each Saturday and I thought as a music lover he might like one for his new addition to the family.
It turned out that the poster inspired a whole feature on the A-Z of Music, which you can listen to here: Elis and John Podcast (Episode 261 – Medium Testosterone, Feeds & The A-Z of Music)
I was really chuffed and pleased it went down so well. It was exciting that something I’d created had sparked debate on national radio! It made me smile a lot and has been one of the highlights in terms of feedback I’ve had since beginning this journey.
So here’s a big thank you to everyone who has laughed, pointed, purchased and requested new bands for my collection!